Don’t Stop Growing (inglês-english)

Spiritual growth is based on the amount that we seek the Lord. In other words, when we gain spiritual ground, we will be losing naturally speaking. After being enlightened, God waits for our decision: obey or deny the faith. 1 Corinthians 3.

Silence Before Divine Arrangements (inglês-english)

We need to live our lives by serving God on the principle of the authority taught to us by the Word, accepting the circumstances as they are, being sent by the Lord. Do not doubt the Messiah. Silence is the best response to the ferocious attacks by the darkness which still lives within us.

Aperfeiçoamento dos Santos 105

Precisamos recuperar a prática da consagração para haver o enchimento do Espírito e a igreja ser operante na cidade. Isso é urgente! Atos 2:22-42.